Saturday, April 17, 2004

Is it East Versus West? . . .

Inspiration struck me today at the gym. Elsewhere, I'd been baffled by the suggestion that a Tupac Shakur song really dealt with the question of terrorism. I realized today that the real song for our era has nothing to do with Tupac, but is instead Survivor's classic anthem "The Burning Heart." Yes, the song was written for the soundtrack of Rocky IV and yes it's about the Cold War, but ask yourself, does that make it less salient today? Below are the lyrics with interpretive comments:

Two worlds collide - rival nations, (A Huntingtonian view of the situation)
It's a primitive clash - venting years of frustrations, (Grievances dating back a few centuries or so)
Bravely we hope against all hope - there is so much at stake. (fairly self explanatory)
Seems our freedom's up against the ropes. (Just what is good about the Patriot Act)
Does the crowd understand?
Is a East versus West, or man against man, (A clash of civilizations or Bush and bin Laden going mano a mano)
Can any nation stand - alone? (Clearly international coordination is desired)

In the burning heart - just about to burst, (We now look into the soul of Condoleeza Rice)
There's a quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst, (What should she tell Dubya)
In the darkest night - rising like a spire, (Or perhaps a minaret)
In the burning heart - the unmistakable fire. (Ironic juxtaposition)

In the warriors code - there's no surrender, (Donald Rumsfeld doesn't take no for an answer)
Though his body says stop - his spirit cries - never! (70+ and still kicking ass)
Deep in our soul a quiet ember, (Still he has a heart)
Knows it's you against you, it’s the (and a sense of personal irony)
Paradox that drives us on -
It's a battle of wills, in the heat of attack, (Meeting with Colin Powell every day)
It's the passion that kills - (Mel Gibson is responsible for this ultimately)
The victory is yours alone. (Truly a zero sum match)

Strike from your minds any images of Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed and especially Ivan Drago. This is a song for our time.

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