Monday, December 01, 2003

Another reason I'm not thrilled with Howard Dean, he preemptively locked away 10 years worth of files related to his tenure as governor of Vermont, Newsweek reports.

As The New Republic argues, this is hardly a salutary thing to do when you're slamming the Bush Administration on secrecy. Worse, it just gives the impression that there is something that Dean wants to hide. I'm not particularly interested in what that is, but you can bet your ass that the same creeps who spent the 90s trolling Little Rock looking for Slick Willy stories are taking note and pondering a Burlington weekend.

The Dean campaign's response, that this is just a preemptive way of preventing further distortion of Dean's record, isn't persuasive and goes against Dean's self-constructed image as a straight-talker. Hasn't anyone told these guys that it isn't the crime that does you in but the coverup?

I'll say a prayer for the Kerry campaign tonight. The nation needs it.

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